In the past two years, more than a third (37 per cent) of all cyber security incidents in Germany were due to employee misconduct. Hackers were only responsible for around 27 per cent of cyber...
Cybersecurity experts from around the world gathered in Nashville, Tennessee from 25-27 October for this year’s ISC2 Secure Congress. It became clear that the information and IT security community cannot ignore the topic of Artificial...
Cloud security myth busted: Common misconceptions about security ownership in the cloud In recent years, cloud technology has become one of the most important and widely used IT infrastructures. Organisations of all sizes are taking...
A few months ago, BR reported on attacks that work very similarly to the analogue “grandson trick”. Attackers pretend to be a close family member, claiming to be in an emergency situation – and in...
“37.0 percent of companies in Germany do not regularly train their employees on topics such as spam or phishing. (…) Only every third company (35.5 percent) has a patch management policy. Yet security gaps in...
How does the technology behind Watchdog by TEN IM actually work? Answer: we use Wazuh, one of the leading SIEM platforms on the market. Wazuh is an open source security platform designed to help companies...
Detect threats with a SIEM system A security information and event management (SIEM) system is a powerful solution that helps organisations detect, monitor and respond to threats to their information security. It enables the centralised...
Cost-effective solution for medium-sized businesses Watchdog by TEN IM is our managed SIEM (Security Incident & Event Management) solution that makes automated detection of attacks and vulnerabilities accessible to SMEs. We are often asked: how...
In discussions with customers and interested parties, we are repeatedly confronted with the statement that security investigations (penetration tests and vulnerability scans) are not necessary in cloud scenarios because the cloud provider (e.g. Amazon Web...
What is actually the difference between a Vulnerability Scan and a Penetration Test? There seem to be interesting misconceptions about this, as we would like to show with the following practical example.