One of the core competences of cloud service providers is the safeguarding of infrastructures with regard to IT security. But what should be taken into account when using the cloud?
The cloud has many advantages:

For example, cloud users do not need to worry about the security of the basic infrastructures. This is one of the tasks and core competences of the so-called cloud providers, completely independent of who you as a customer run your applications and services with.

In terms of infrastructure security, the large providers are able to offer a level of IT security that, as a rule, no user organisation can even come close to achieving.

The crux of the matter, however, is that the responsibility of the cloud service providers ends with the operation of the infrastructure. The cloud customers, i.e. you as IT managers, are responsible for implementing the mechanisms offered by the providers correctly.

In plain language, this means programming the application in accordance with current IT security standards – and configuring the standardised cloud services of the providers in such a way that the processed data cannot be accessed without authorisation, for example.

For precisely this reason, it is downright negligent to assume that the cloud service provider will take care of all IT security issues when using the cloud.

The fact is: the cloud customers themselves are and remain responsible for the applications.

And this is where it gets tricky. How can IT teams that are not specialised in IT and information security or smaller teams ensure that all relevant security standards are met and kept in view? We are happy to help you with this. Together, we address the question methodically and in a structured way and thus identify security gaps – before attackers do.

We have extensive experience and are happy to accompany your organisation on the path to secure and robust cloud applications.

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