Measures in small and medium-sized organisations that serve to increase IT security are often funded by the public sector. In order to strengthen the cyber resilience of these companies, various levels of government in Germany offer funding programmes. These programmes are designed to ease the financial burden of implementing advanced IT security measures and thus strengthen the economy as a whole.
Since 1 April 2024, we at TEN Information Management have started a new cooperation with a specialised funding consultant. This advises our customers on available funding opportunities. Below we provide a brief overview of the various programmes. All information regarding the amount of funding and the programmes themselves is provided without guarantee, as conditions may change or funding pots may be exhausted.
The ‘go-digital’ programme of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) is available to SMEs at federal level. This programme supports companies in the digitalisation of business processes, including the improvement of IT security. Funding is provided for consultancy services in three modules, one of which is specifically focussed on IT security. Small and medium-sized enterprises can receive a grant of up to 50 per cent of the consultancy costs, up to a maximum of 16,500 euros per consultation.
In addition to the nationwide offers, many federal states also have special funding programmes that focus on IT security. For example, the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy offers the ‘Digitalbonus Bayern’ programme. This programme aims to promote digitalisation in small and medium-sized enterprises. Among other things, it supports investments in IT security technologies and services with grants or subsidised loans.
The European Union also supports SMEs in improving IT security through various funds and initiatives. For example, financial support for projects to increase IT security in SMEs can be applied for via the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). These funds are often allocated in co-operation with local economic development agencies and are therefore available in different regions.
In order to benefit from these funding opportunities, companies must fulfil certain requirements, such as not exceeding a certain company size or providing proof of the necessity of the planned IT security measures. Applications are usually submitted digitally via the respective programme platforms. It is advisable to find out about the specific requirements and deadlines at an early stage and to seek expert advice if necessary.
The promotion of IT security in SMEs is an important part of business development. The available public funding programmes play a crucial role in overcoming the financial hurdles to implementing solid security measures and thus strengthening digital and economic resilience.
Would you also like to know how you can set up your ISMS with TEN Information Management, for example, with the help of Instant 27001 and ISO Planner funding? Arrange your free initial consultation now!