Did you know that numerous ISO standards are largely harmonized with regard to their core structure – chapters 4 to 10? This is true for the international standards for quality management – ISO 9001 – and information security management – ISO 27001 – and makes it possible to establish and operate integrated management systems. With Instant 27001 you can do exactly that. For the well known and proven documentation system for ISMS Instant 27001 there is an ISO 9001 add-on that extends Instant 27001 with the specifics for the quality management system ISO 9001. The advantages are obvious: identical requirements – for example, management responsibility, continuous improvement or the provision of resources – only have to be documented and implemented once. This saves organizations valuable time, which can be used for the real important things.

We are happy to show you Instant 27001 together with the add-on for ISO 9001 in a demo.


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